1000 gecs and the Tree of Clues
100 gecs
released 10 jul 2020
written 11 may 2024

there is no good way to describe this album in terms of the sounds being heard. that's not to say it's the best thing ever made, and i think in many ways it lacks a lot of the versatility that it should have with such a tracklist and list of collaborators, but it's an absolutely wild experience filled to the brim with ideas that, while not as succinctly appealing as its originals, are still genuinely valuable. and it contains some of their best songs overall, despite the overall inconsistency.

but there's likely more merit to what images it conjures up and seems to encapsulate, instead of attempting to describe the sounds and performances that resonate the most across its 51-minute runtime. so that's what this piece will attempt to display, at least to some capacity.

money machine (a.g. cook remix)
cornered, pleasantly abrasive, a calm deconstruction, beautiful harmonies, clicking pens, eardrums getting massaged, thunderous drum hits inside my sinuses before closing out

ringtone (remix) [feat. charli xcx, kero kero bonito & rico nasty]
crossover with the cool kids, school cafeteria discussions in the best way possible, nokia cellphone, glittery makeup, outsider animations on newgrounds, cracked version of fl studio, blowing bubbles with your friends in a small backyard in st. louis

745 sticky (injury reserve remix)
disturbingly intriguing, hitting a blue imac with a hammer in your parents' messy garage, riding an office chair down a suburban street, grasshopper in a skate park, slime sludge content, bootleg cd

gec 2 ü (danny l harle harlecore remix)
rave in purgatory, buzz saw through a vhs tape, lasers and a fog machine in your kitchen, putting your phone in the microwave, playing webkinz and poptropica

hand crushed by a mallet (remix) [feat. fall out boy, craig owens & nicole dollanganger]
a mouse chasing a cat, using a beats pill speaker as a guitar pedal, arguing with your mom about sleeping in the basement with the tv on a school night, playing cards in bike spokes

800db cloud (ricco harver remix)
taking too much delsym, ripped youtube mp3s of skrillex bass drops, unregistered hypercam 2

stupid horse (remix) [feat. gfoty & count baldor]
kissing on the carpeted floor of your friend's kitchen, clash royale and angry birds, the box to a windows xp installation without the disc, winged eyeliner

ringtone (umru remix)
second helping of cotton candy, playing with a forklift in a rave warehouse, three sticks of bubblegum at the same time but only after an entire liter of grape soda, rock band on the wii with your older brother in college

xxxi_wud_nvrstøp_üxxx (remix) [feat. tommy cash & hannah diamond]
too many toolbars in internet explorer from downloading viruses, heart and star emojis as makeup, ripped sweater and skinny jeans with boots, mall goth, listening to burial at a silent rave, listening to burial at a wedding, listening to burial at chuck e. cheese's, listening to flim by aphex twin on a rollercoaster

745 sticky (black dresses remix)
playing slenderman on a beige crt monitor in your parent's study, setting your pokémon cards on fire, accidentally burning a hole in your favorite t-shirt, having to see your extended family after a six hour drive to fucking cleveland but being able to play cool math games on their office computer

gecgecgec (remix) [feat. lil west & tony velour]
listening to something downloaded from datpiff for the first time, having a genuinely sincere conversation with your cousin, being able to drink soda for the first time and thinking it's just alright

xxxi_wud_nvrstøp_üxxx (99jakes remix)
listening to a podcast at 1.75x speed on a road trip, accidentally turning up the speaker in the car too loud right when your friend's phone connects to it, being alone at home as a kid and coloring on the walls, adobe flash cs5 free download (legit)

gec 2 ü (remix) [feat. dorian electra]
getting called ma'am over the phone as a kid and not minding, rollerblading at the skate park in winter, playing with the firepit in your friend's backyard late on halloween, just dance on the wii

hand crushed by a mallet (n0thanky0u remix)
air guitar on the balcony with a bluetooth speaker in 2013, running around a massive hotel lobby, taping a firework to your old phone and recording it with that same phone

came to my show (intro)
school band being allowed to do what they actually want to do and it actually kinda sounds great

came to my show
busting it down on the piano in front of your high school crush, carrying around a half-empty soda all day and it's just a little too warm to keep drinking, editing exe files with hxd to get around the school's firewall so you can keep playing games

having gingivitis and not doing anything about it, making your first song on your first laptop while on a flight, getting blown up by a creeper in minecraft and just barely making it back in time to get your stuff

small pipe (live at fishcenter)
recorder in elementary music class, playing all the guitars in guitar center over the course of like two or three hours

800db cloud (live at fishcenter)
manic episode after your first cigarette, absolutely fucking killing it live the first time you tried, dealing with actually meeting your first muse, an overflowing trash can of solely monster energy cans

and i think that sums it all up pretty well.

light 3 / 5
✧ created by hand, by natalie

(c) MMXXV, all rights reserved.