released 17 jun 2020
track 3 on KiCk i
deconstructed club
written 31 jul 2024

i went through Arca's to-date discography rather quickly. even returning to earlier works like Xen and Mutant after the fact cast each in a better light and offered a new glimpse into how she got to where she was when this released. because as much as her earlier works are difficult to parse simply by being marvels of sound design, this second album single after Time—and most of what's to be found in the KICK series—is more-so just incredibly overstimulating, a blistering assault that still gives ample room to be completely enamored by texture and the subtle quirks in its build. the latin pop, glitch, and industrial all-in-a-blender mix, paired with a maximally disorienting but wonderfully fitting music video, was the true off-the-wall start to an unprecedented set of albums.

✧ created by hand, by natalie

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