released 26 apr 2024
digital hardcore
written 27 nov 2024

there isn't really anything in writing that can well describe what happens here sonically, but to an extent that's true of most music in this vein—of hyperactivity, of unbridled & unfiltered lashings out, and of finally spreading your wings once you're off some track someone else has set for you, over you.

the demonic, manic imagery of that carousel is really just the scene-setter, just like its opening roundtable OFF THIS, being finally set free, whatever way it flings you being out of your hands. the ride's supervisor isn't even really there, they're just experiencing everything the same way you are, even if they're more attuned to its creaking frame and the specific swings and jolts in its catchy repetitions. AMERICAN HEALTHCARE is what casts that doubt (or knowledge); EMPATHY RESERVED's mantra of not being able to function is tied between the chemicals meant to be freeing and for the sake of the ride, and the chemicals meant to 'fix', to attain some kind of working ground to really stand on after getting back up.

at least they're able to see how boundary re-defining and indelible their work and (both 'real' and 'constructed') persona is further along, like on the three centering tracks, but the flux that keeps it all at lightspeed is the whole album's defining trait... and of course the noisy, rattling shots firing all around you. the excising—cutting yourself open in fire just to prove something to someone—on LOTHARIO is without a doubt the height of this experience; it's maybe the last moment their words point towards some interpersonal experience, some not-yet-resolved conflict that needs forced molding, instead of the intense attacks that enclose the final two tracks.

the confidence keeps it all moving, but the lines are far too blurry to ever tell if they're a half-front for comfort, or the realized conclusion of knowing there's not much you can do anyways—even if there are still such nagging issues with the ride we're all on.

∗ light 4 / 5 ∗
✧ created by hand, by natalie

(c) MMXXV, all rights reserved.